Elevator installation and repair; Installation of elevators; Repair and maintenance of elevators.

Minimizing Downtime With Responsiveness and Custom Solutions
Warfield & Sanford provides round the clock support to every unit under our standard maintenance agreement. We offer guaranteed same day service to malfunctioning equipment needing repairs and/or adjustment. Your call will be answered by a live operator regardless of the time of day or night in which a request for service is reported. Our facility is extensively stocked with replacement parts; this allows us to accomplish most repairs with minimum down time.
We also perform Annual Safety Tests, 5-Year Full Load Testing which is provided in the presence of a third party elevator inspector. Inspections are to assure that elevators are safe and have not been altered except in conformity to the applicable codes and regulations. It is critical to your facility to meet the standards of these safety codes.
“Just wanted to say how wonderfully responsive and professional your team was when I got stuck in an elevator at our facility. The situation was handled quickly, calmly, and I was out within 5-10 minutes. Your team is always courteous and helpful!”
– Lisa